Friday, 23 November 2012

Your Left Side is the Best Side When Posing for a Picture

Some of us run for cover whenever a camera is pointed at us. Are you one of those who dislike having your picture taken because you always seem to come out hideous? You may even feel jealous of your friend who always comes out flawless in photos.  Being photogenic comes naturally to some of us. Whether you come out good in a picture or not, there is something that can help you appear better. The next time you are posing for a picture, make sure your left cheek is facing the camera.

The reason for this suggestion is simple. Your left side is perceived as your best side. Your best side may be your left cheek, according to a study by Kelsey Blackburn and James Schirillo from Wake Forest University in the US. Their work shows that images of the left side of the face are perceived and rated as more pleasant than pictures of the right side of the face, possibly due to the fact that we present a greater intensity of emotion on the left side of our face.
Others can judge human emotions in large part from the expressions on our face. Our highly specialized facial muscles are capable of expressing many unique emotions. Research suggests that the left side of the face is more intense and active during emotional expression.

Blackburn and Schirillo investigated whether there are differences in the perception of the left and right sides of the face in real-life photographs of individuals.
The researchers explained that posers' left cheeks tend to exhibit a greater intensity of emotion, which observers find more aesthetically pleasing.

Participants were asked to rate the pleasantness of both sides of male and female faces on gray-scale photographs. The researchers presented both original photographs and mirror-reversed images, so that an original right-cheek image appeared to be a left-cheek image and vice versa.
They found a strong preference for left-sided portraits, regardless of whether the pictures were originally taken of the left side, or mirror-reversed. The left side of the face was rated as more aesthetically pleasing for both male and female posers.

These aesthetic preferences were also confirmed by measurements of pupil size, a reliable unconscious measurement of interest. Our pupils usually dilate in response to more interesting stimuli – here more pleasant-looking faces, and constrict when looking at unpleasant images. In the experiment, pupil size increased with pleasantness ratings.

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