Sunday, 9 June 2013

A Chance to Put Your Name and a Message in Mars

NASA has invited the general public to submit their names and a personal message online for a DVD to be carried aboard a spacecraft to mars. The DVD will be aboard the NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) spacecraft which is supposed to study Martian upper atmosphere and is set to launch in November.

The DVD will carry every name submitted. The public is also encouraged to submit a message in the form of a three-line poem or haiku. However, only three haikus will be selected. The top three most popular messages will be sent to mars and will be prominently displayed on the MAVEN website. The dead line for all submissions is July 1. An online public to vote the top three messages to place on the DVD will begin July 15.

The going to Mars campaign offers people worldwide a way to make a personal connection to space, space exploration, and science in general, and share our excitement.

Participants who submit their names to the Going to Mars campaign will be able to print a certificate of appreciation to document their involvement with the MAVEN mission.

MAVEN is the first spacecraft devoted to exploring and understanding the Martian upper atmosphere. The spacecraft hopes to investigate how the loss of Mars’ atmosphere to space determined the history of water on the surface.

To participate in the Going to Mars campaign, visit

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