Sunday, 16 June 2013

Few People Wash Their Hands Correctly

This image contains just eleven words with a serious message.
Many individuals take hand washing for granted especially when the behavior in which they engage requires or warrants it.
A recent study from Michigan State University sneakily observed 3,749 people in public restrooms and the results are scary!
Many people – as much as 95percent of those observed- did not wash their hands long enough to kill germs.
It was also observed that 15percent of men and 7percent of women did not wash their hands at all and amongst those that attempted to wash, half of the men and 22 percent of women neglected to use soap!
What is the correct way to wash the hands?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you need to wash your hands with soap for at least 20seconds to kill germs. The people in this study only washed their hands for an average of 6 seconds.
Where do you belong? With the 95percent majority or the minute 5percent that wash correctly?
Failing to wash or insufficiently washing of hands contributes to the spread of food-borne illness and it is known that washing the hands with soap can reduce diarrheal disease risk. Yet, why many skip this important part of hygiene is not known.
Imagine the number of hands you shake. Combine that with the fact that many of the people you meet don’t wash their hands after using the restroom. Who knows the amount of poop that must have been exchanged!
This study found lots of other interesting tidbits about hand-washing habits that include;
          People were more likely to wash their hands in the morning
          People were less like to wash their hands if the sink was dirty
          People were more likely to wash their hands if there was sign to remind them

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