Sunday, 16 June 2013

Health Care Workers Be On The Lookout For MERS

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
The World Health Organisation has advised health care workers to be on the alert for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). The disease emerged in 2012 in Saudi Arabia and is caused by a Coronavirus related to the one that causes SARS.

So far, 55 cases had been confirmed, 31 of which were fatal. Most of the cases were in four Middle Eastern countries, 40 occurring in Saudi Arabia. The WHO urged all countries in the Middle East to urgently intensify their surveillance efforts for infection by the virus.

International concerns about these infections  are high, because it is possible for this virus to move around the world. There have been several examples where the virus has moved from one country to another through travelers.

Large gaps in our knowledge about this virus remain and the route of infection remains unknown, though the first case of person-to-person transmission occurred in France in April.

“All countries in the world need to ensure that their healthcare workers are aware of the virus and the disease it can cause, and that when unexplained cases of pneumonia are identified, MERS should be considered,” said the World Health Organisation following a summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Currently, the diagnosis of MERS relies heavily on clinical awareness combined with confirmatory testing for the presence of the causative agent by the polymerase chain reaction.

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